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Frequently asked questions

How can I get to the hotel coming from the Juan Santamaria International Airport?
We are located about 60 minutes, 47 km. away from the Airport. The hotel gives you transportations to pick you up or drop you. We offer three different units, with different capacities: luxury bus, shuttle or regular car. You can follow the route using Google Maps. Find us by the words Hotel El Guarco. ↑

Where is the hotel?
We are locate in Cartago, Costa Rica, in the disctrict of el Guarco. We are above the #2 route, on the Interamericana Sur highway, going to Perez Zeledón or 1,5 km away from Parque Industrial Zeta. ↑

Is it save to make reservations online?
Yes. Payments with credit/debit cards are made through a national bank system, which makes the transaction safe. El Guarco Hotel & Restaurant takes care of your privacy and you can be sure we do not reveal any information that risks the safety and integrity of our clients. ↑

Did you made a reservation online and did not receive the confirmation?
In this case, please contact our reservations department at or you can also reach us at (506) 2573-0000.

¿Qué tipos de actividades se pueden hacer en el hotel?
Ofrecemos tours de un día, de una tarde o de varios días. También ofrecemos transporte por si desea trasladarse a algún lugar en especial, ya sea durante el día o en la noche. Es cuestión de solicitar el servicio en la recepción del hotel.
Por otro lado, contamos con alianzas estratégicas con gimnasio, cancha de golf, cancha de tenis, servicio de masaje, y clase de yoga o pilates. Consulte sobre estos servicios en recepción o al correo ↑

Does the hotel have pool and gym?
No, the hotel has no pool or gym. But we have strategic alliances with recreational activities with which you can satisfy your needs. (gym, golf court, tennis court, massage services, yoga and pilates classes). In 2013, we are planning to have the new gym.  ↑

Does the hotel accept animals?
Yes, we accept middle size and small animals. ↑

Is breakfast included in the price of the room?
Yes, and so are the taxes. ↑

Is the restaurant opened for the public or is it only for guests?
Yes, it is opened for the public, with the following schedule: Monday thru Saturday, from 6: 00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Sundays, from 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.  ↑

What services does the hotel offer?

  • Accommodations.
  • Restaurant.
  • Express Service.
  • Catering Service.
  • Transportation.
  • Assembly rooms.
  • National and international tours.


  • Wireless free internet.
  • Local and long distance phone calls.
  • Parking under roof.
  • 24 hour security.
  • Laundry service.
  • Daily room cleaning.
  • Rooms with amenities.
  • Contract with Emergencias Medicas..
  • Strategic alliances (gym, golf court, tennis court, massage services, yoga and pilates classes).
  • Desayunos estilo buffet.
  • Buffet style breakfast.
  • Paquetes de estadía y alimentación especial, para estadías largas y/o grupos.
  • Beneficios corporativos.
  • Special packages for long stays and/or groups and packages for special food requirements.
  • Corporative benefits.
  • Special packages for weddings and birthday parties, among others.  ↑

The hotel´s surroundings?

  • 1 km away from Parque Industrial Zeta.
  • 500 m. away from the supermarket (Mega Super).
  • 2 km away from Paseo Metropoli Mall.
  • 5 minute drive away from Cartago Downtown.
  • 200 m. away from the bus stop to Cartago.
  • 6 km away from the golf court.
  • 4 km away from the tennis court.
  • 30 minute drive from San José Downtown.
  • 60 minute drive away from the international airport.
  • Relatively close to the main touristic attractions of the province ( Irazú and Turrialba volcanoes, Orosi valley, Ujarrás, Lankester Botanical Garden and the Basílica de los Ángeles)  ↑

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Sobre la Interamericana Sur hacia Pérez Zeledón, concretamente de la entrada principal al Parque Industrial 1.3 km al Sur, mano izquierda ó 200 m Norte de Servicentro El Guarco, mano derecha.

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Bienvenido a Hotel el Guarco

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  • Bienvenido a Hotel el Guarco
  • Bienvenido a Hotel el Guarco
  • Bienvenido a Hotel el Guarco
  • Bienvenido a Hotel el Guarco
  • Bienvenido a Hotel el Guarco